About Us
Cornerstone Mission Statement
Cornerstone WEE School is a ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church where the mission is "Gather. Grow. Give. Go." As a church, we are committed to each ministry focusing on the accomplishment of this mission statement . WEE School is in partnership with all other areas of ministry in our church. Our primary goal is to reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple believers.
WEE School Purpose
The Purpose of WEE School is to provide a weekday program for young children in a Christian environment that will minister to the child, to the parents, and to the community with respect to the child's physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
WEE School Goals
WEE School provides opportunities for integrating learning based on the child's individual needs, interests and abilities, which will build important foundations for future academic pursuits.
We provide play and learning experiences appropriate to the child's particular age and developmental level.
We desire to meet the needs of the community for a Christian early childhood education facility and to contribute to the wholesome growth and development of future citizens of our community.